OpenPlant PID Help

Defining Custom Attributes in Schema to Hide Properties on PlantSight

Sometimes you have a property that is useful to see in OpenPlant PID , but that is not needed to be seen or shared in PlantSight. Use the following procedure to define the custom attribute in schema to hide properties on PlantSight.
  1. Open the OpenPlant_CustomAttributes.08.11.ecschema.xml from Workspace location and ensure that the SyncToiTwinPropertyOptions custom attribute is defined in it.
    For example,
      <ECClass typeName="SyncToiTwinPropertyOptions" displayLabel="Sync To iTwin Options" isDomainClass="False" isCustomAttributeClass="True">
            <ECProperty propertyName="AllowSyncToPlantSight" typeName="boolean" displayLabel="Allow Sync from DGN to PlantSight" />
            <ECProperty propertyName="AllowSyncFromPlantSight" typeName="boolean" displayLabel="Allow Sync from PlantSight to DGN" />
  2. Open the OpenPlant_PID.01.08.ecschema.xml file for the WorkSet you plan to define the custom attributes.

    For this example we will use the default OpenPlantImperial WorkSet located in the following location

    C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenPlant CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\OpenPlantExample\WorkSets\Imperial\Standards\OpenPlant\Schemas

  3. Add the custom attribute to a property.
    For example, adding to EQUIPMENT
     <ECClass typeName="EQUIPMENT" description="Equipment component" displayLabel="Equipment" isDomainClass="False">
               <ECProperty propertyName="DESCRIPTION" typeName="string" displayLabel="Equipment Description" >
                    <SyncToiTwinPropertyOptions xmlns="OpenPlant_CustomAttributes.08.11">
  4. Launch OpenPlant PID with Imperial Workset.
  5. Place few Equipments and click Sync from PlantSight tool group from Equipment ribbon.
    Note: You must be connected to Plantsight.

    The PlantSight Differences dialog displays listing the number of components added, deleted and/or modified. Description property is absent in differencing dialog, when an equipment is synced to PlantSight.

  6. Open PlantSight portal and check Description property for Equipment.
    Description property appears blank on PlantSight.